Serves 6-10 depending on the size
1 Boneless leg of lamb
Spice Mix :
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Fennel Seeds
1 Tsp Garam Masala
1 Tbsp Paprika
2 Tbsp Sumac
1 Chili (spiced to taste)
2 Garlic Cloves
5 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Red Onions
17 oz Cooking Red Wine
7 oz Water
2-3 Sprigs of Rosemary
- Cut the lamb in the fattest areas to allow for even cooking (about an inch down from surface)
- Chop the chili and crush the garlic. Pound the fennel seeds in a pestle and mortar and then mix in a bowl with the chili, garlic, olive oil, and the dry spices.
- Rub the spice mix all over the lamb and make sure it is evenly coated. You can cook right away, but it’s best to marinate the lamb for a couple of hours.
Prepare your COBB Grill and light a CobbleStone and wait a few minutes until it has turned grey. Or, if you don’t have a CobbleStone on hand, ready your briquettes. Place Grill Grid, Roast Rack, and Dome Lid on COBB Grill and let heat up for at least 5 minutes.
- To make the sauce: Clean you COBB grill moat. Chop the red onions into eighths and place into the moat with the red wine, water, and rosemary before you place the lamb on top. The sauce will be made during the cooking time.
- Place lamb on the Roast Rack, and close the lid. Do not open often. After 1 hour and 30 mins, it should be done to just pink for the average boneless leg of lamb but check after an hour for your own desired “doneness.”
- When you remove the lamb from the COBB, carefully pour the sauce into a jug (making sure to hold the base with a cloth so you don’t burn yourself).
Serving Suggestion
Add some baby aubergines around the sides for the entire cooking period, they go beautifully with the lamb.